7 Foods you should Eat Regularly for Better Hair Growth
Many people constantly complain that they are having bad hair fall or their hair is not able to grow properly, it has become a common problem in today’s time. We even have so many products that claim that they help in hair growth, some of them help but some of them don’t. People often go to a nutritionist or specialist to make sure that their hair gets good nourishment, the specialist or dermatologist often suggests some oils, powders, shampoo, or even medicines. These things are indeed good for your hair health but you should take note that there are certain food items that significantly affect your hair growth positively. Furthemore, there are some essential nutritions that are very important for our hair growth and make them healthy. If you lack some of these nutrients, make sure that you should add them to your diet.
Essential Nutrients for Hair Growth
Have a look at below mentioned important nutrients for your hair and make sure that you are getting them enough.
Vitamin A– Vitamin A is an important nutrient which is essential for the health of your cells and tissues, of hair and scalp. This vitamin also plays an important role in maintaining Sebum, as it keeps our hair moisturized. Vitamin A is mostly found in dairy products such as milk.
Vitamin B– The B vitamins that help the most in hair growth are folic acid, Vitamin B6, and also Vitamin B12. These are essentials as these help in the production of red blood cells, the cells that carry the oxygen to tissues, containing the hair.
Vitamin C– Vitamin C is next in the queue. This is another essential nutrition as it produces collagen which is really good for hair damage. Vitamin C is found in many citrus fruits and it is very good for sebum production too.
Protein– One should know that protein not only helps in body weight but it is also good for your hair. People who lack protein in their diet usually have dry and brittle hair. It is majorly found in meats, dairy products, etc.
Zinc– It is one of the minerals that encourages cell reproduction and it also repairs the tissues. If you lack zinc as an essential nutrient then it leads to hair shedding which we don’t want. It can be found in milk, meat, eggs, etc. However, you should remember that if you take zinc in a higher quantity, like too much, then it also leads to hair loss. So be cautious about it.
Now that we have mentioned the important nutrients that you should include in your diet, let us mention some food items that can be found easily and even helps you in better hair growth. Take a note and never compromise with your hair.
Foods you should eat regularly for better hair growth
A healthy diet plays an important role in your hair growth, it nourishes your hair and even your body. One should remember that changes in your hair’s thickness and its textures may occur due to an unhealthy diet. There are chances that hair shedding can be excessive, in that case, you should visit a doctor or dermatologist. Apart from that, understand the importance of food that you should eat regularly for better hair growth.
Eggs are an essential food item that you should include in your diet. These are full of protein and it plays a vital role in making your body healthier. You can get nutrients such as Vitamin A, D, B12, zinc and also a great amount of iron from them. Studies state that there are 2 components that are found in eggs which are good for your eyes, hair and skin, those components are lutein and zeaxanthin. As mentioned, eggs contain iron that provides strength to your hair strands.
Fruits with Citrus
Did you know that fruits that are enriched in citrus are helpful for your hair? Yes, the citrus fruits have super great hair-loving Vitamin C whether it is orange, grapefruit or even lemon. These fruits offer Vitamin A and also some of the essential key nutrients for your hair growth. You can have such citrus fruits in the food items such as juices and salads.
Have a handful of nuts every day for great hair. They are tasty, convenient to eat, and have a variety of nutrients to offer. Let us mention that a handful of almonds provide a great amount of Vitamin A and nourishes your hair. They also provide some amount of fatty acids, zinc and vitamins. Besides providing nourishment to hair, nuts are also good for your inflammation reduction and also lower the risk of heart diseases.
Whole Grain
The next in line are whole grain. These essential food items include iron, zinc, biotin and vitamins, majorly Vitamin B. As mentioned, whole grains contain Biotin which have amino acids that facilitate growth of your hair. You should have some kind of grains in your regular diet, they are not only healthy for your hair but also for your body.
Every dietician suggests we include soy in our diet because they are enriched with iron, magnesium and vitamins. Soybean helps dead and damages hair to become healthy. Soy is a great source of Omega 3 which makes the hair strong and shiny. So, we suggest you include soybean in your diet. It also helps those who want to put on some weight.
Chia Seeds
Let us tell you that chia seeds are full of nutrients. They are healthy components which are filled with fiber and also antioxidants which are useful in fighting diseases. You should know that Chia seed contains more protein than soybean. If you are considering taking these seeds in your diet, then you should as they promote lush, thick hair and keep your scalp healthy.
Salmon are a source of nutrients. This is a fatty fish that includes Vitamin D and also Omega 3 which are good for hair. Such fatty fish also reduces the risk of chronic diseases and keeps your heart healthy. Let us mention some fishes that are rich in source Omega 3 are Tuna, herring, sardines, etc.
There are several other foods that are great for your hair growth. To name some, these are beans, pumpkin, avocados and many more. Generally, people also go for supplements for their hair health which is not at all a bad thing, supplements do help in hair growth. Further, nutritionists or dieticians also suggest including such rich food items in your diet on a regular basis. Minerals, proteins, vitamins and also polyunsaturated fats are essential for your hair growth, try to include some in your diet. We really wish you the best for your hair and even overall health.