Stay Refreshed: Top Hydrating Drinks for Summer

Hydrating Drinks

Stay Refreshed: Top Hydrating Drinks for Summer

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April also marks the beginning of summer’s heat. Summer is coming to an end, along with the rising temperature. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a warning recently about extreme temperatures expected between April and June. In this case, you can incorporate certain desi drinks into your routine to protect yourself from heat waves during this time.The arrival of summer has brought with it an increase in people’s misery. It’s getting harder to brave the sweltering heat and intense sun these days. Still, this is only the start. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts that the following three months, from April to June, would be extremely hot. Because of heat waves, we frequently have a lot of issues in the summer. Heat stroke and, in extreme situations, even death can result from coming into touch with it.

To maintain your health in such a circumstance, it’s critical to protect oneself from heatwaves. One needs to exercise caution and pay close attention to their nutrition in order to prevent this. You may maintain your health throughout the summer by consuming certain desi drinks.

Lemon Juice

In the summer, vitamin C-rich lemon water is highly popular. Drinking it helps people keep cool and avoid the heat. In addition to providing summertime protection from the sun and heat, it also offers protection against heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Daily consumption of lemon water has been shown to support mental, digestive, and energy maintenance as well as weight loss.

Juice from Sugarcane

Sugarcane juice goes on sale everywhere as summer approaches. People consume it with considerable gusto throughout this season. This desi drink is very advantageous. Its glucose and electrolyte content help to chill the body and provide us with energy for the entire day. Moreover, because it has a lower glycemic index than sugar, it is safe for diabetic individuals. In addition, it promotes the health of the skin, digestive tract, and kidneys.


In India, buttermilk is also a highly favored beverage. Since it keeps you hydrated all summer long, it is thought to be at its best in the summer. Dairy products high in calcium, including buttermilk, help to maintain strong bones. In addition, it has lactic acid, casein, lactose, and water, all of which stop harmful germs from growing in the stomach. People have been drinking it in the summer to prevent dehydration for a while now.


Sattu is particularly prevalent in the summer. Despite being well-liked throughout the nation, Bihar is where it is most well-known. Grain such as barley and gramme is used in its preparation. In comparison to other drinks, it is more nutrient-dense and aids in bodily cooling. It is consumed by stuffing it inside paratha, puri, or litti in addition to liquids.

Water from Coconuts

One glass of coconut water will do to combat the summer heat. It is not only delicious but also highly healthful. It is a natural beverage that helps the body replenish its electrolyte levels and eliminates water shortage. In addition, it keeps you active all day long and aids in the fight against fatigue.

Cold ginger-lemon tea

One glass of coconut water will do to combat the summer heat. It is not only delicious but also highly healthful. It is a natural beverage that helps the body replenish its electrolyte levels and eliminates water shortage. In addition, it keeps you active all day long and aids in the fight against fatigue

Water with cucumber infusion

Another great choice for rehydrating the body is infused water. Water infused with cucumber, mint, and lime is a great way to beat the heat. Because of its high water content, cucumbers aid in body cooling. While limes offer your food the perfect acidity, mint is recognized for its cooling effects.

Summers are miserable and draining. The intense heat becomes increasingly unbearable with each day that goes by. On these kinds of days, it’s critical to maintain fluid intake to prevent heat stroke and other incapacitating heat-related ailments.


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